Interim Treasury - for a successful temporary assignment

FX- and Interest Risk
Content: Exchange rate hedging and interest rate management for transactional, translational and economic risk I Establishment and expansion of FX and interest rate trading I Professional risk reporting I Set up back office for payments, account management, clarifications, etc.
What we can do for you: Getting a grip on risks doesn't have to be difficult. Maybe even a bit like blowing soap bubbles. We can help you assess your foreign exchange and interest rate risks and take appropriate action to manage them.
Reference Project: Leading reinsurance company. As part of the "Global FX Management Project", a transnational project team of 10 people identified the FX risk on the balance sheet and income statement across all stages of the sometimes very complex processes in order to be able to consider and manage this risk in a comprehensive, standardised guideline as an integral part of the company-wide internal risk management. Project duration: 8 months.

Cash Management
Content: Efficiently harmonize payment transactions I Establish and expand cash pooling structures I Utilize netting potential I Develop meaningful liquidity reporting I Utilize the potential of an in-house bank
What we can do for you: Mastering cash management is like being able to play an instrument in a good rhythm. We analyse your existing cash management processes, visualise your optimisation potential and ensure the availability of liquid funds.
Reference Project Leading manufacturer of spinning machines, where cash management was successively modernised within the framework of a long-term mandate, with the extension of cash pooling across national borders and the inclusion of several currencies, the introduction of a new comprehensive cash management system and the standardisation of group-wide payment transactions with the basic work for an in-house bank with a wide range of services for all group companies.
Core Treasury
Content: Cross-divisional treasury processes I Treasury policy I Treasury reporting I IT@Treasury I Treasury accounting strategy I Treasury management system
What can do for you; By core treasury we mean the central control points of financial flows within a company. The core treasury is therefore tasked with protecting and safeguarding the company from financial damage at all times. We specialise in the successful implementation of treasury issues and processes in existing treasury departments and, above all, in the establishment of new professional treasury desks in companies that are seeking the critical mass to specialise in this vitally important area.
Reference Project: For a medium-sized IT security company in Munich, the rapid growth in demand for its services created a clear need for specialisation and professional management of the numerous individual treasury processes. We analysed the current and future tasks, put them into an efficient structure and set up a treasury department, including IT and human resources. As a result, the client was able to significantly reduce its foreign exchange and interest rate risks, protect its earnings from unwanted influences from the capital markets, place its financing on a sound footing and control its debt collection and accounts payable management through sustainable working capital management. All this is set out in a clear treasury policy, which is clearly communicated as an integral part of the corporate guidelines.

Corporate Finance
Content: Financing capex and opex I Project finance I Securing capital I Transparent financial planning I Optimising credit facilities I Establishing strategic banking relationships I Optimising balance sheet structures I Trade finance
What we can do for you: Corporate finance topics revolve around the larger financial flows of a company. They cover the entire operation and include the adequate provision of necessary financial resources. We help you to structure your financial requirements and secure them through appropriate measures. From long-term core financing, based on rolling medium- and long-term financial planning derived from strategic business objectives, through property, project and structured finance, supplemented by appropriate credit lines, to the broad and important area of trade finance, where there is often greater potential for optimisation.
Reference Project: As part of a fixed mandate, we established the entire financing structure for a leading aviation service provider for its headquarters in Zurich with around 75 subsidiaries worldwide.